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Master the process for acing tough classes,
accelerating your career and learning
anything quickly and efficiently

Learning defines everything in your life.

Learning defines your work. Master cutting-edge skills and you can translate them into promotions, autonomy and a job you love. Struggle with learning and you may become obsolete.

Learning defines your education. Learning effectively means good grades, low stress and high confidence. Lousy strategies mean pre-exam panic, all-nighters and burnout.

Your life is defined by learning. Want to be better with money? Speak a foreign language? Improve your relationships? First, you need to learn how.

You Need the Right Method
(Not a High IQ)

Don't focus on what you can't control. You can't choose your genes, IQ or whether or not you were born rich. All you can choose is how you face your challenges.

Eventually everyone, no matter how smart, comes up against a challenge that feels overwhelming. Whether you push through or break down depends on having the right tools to get past it.

Good learning techniques enable you to push the limit of what you think you’re capable of. Learning how to learn helps you become the best version of yourself.

Confidently Ace Your Next Exam

Imagine walking into any class, no matter how difficult, with a clear strategy. You know how to break it down into simple steps you can manage.

When you get stuck, you have dozens of methods for any difficulty you might face. Too many details to memorize? You can apply SRS, mnemonics and distributed practice. Confusing concepts? Break it down easily with the Feynman technique or 5-Year Old Method.

Because you know how to learn, you can walk into any exam with confidence.

Accelerate Your Career and Become Indispensible

Imagine being able to quickly learn whatever your work throws at you.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed, you feel in control. You get to work on exciting projects at the cutting edge of your field. You can end each day satisfied because you're good at this.

Switch from falling behind to keep up to accelerating your career by investing in your learning process.

Be a Smarter, More Interesting Person

What would you learn if you knew you couldn't fail?

A new language? Maybe Ten? What about playing guitar, photography or dance? Maybe you'd deeply understand history, science, politics or business?

Learning can be both the most frustrating or the most rewarding experience, depending on how you approach it. With the right tools, you can learn anything you set your mind to.

Why Learning is Often Frustrating

Learning a new skill can feel bewildering. Which resources should you use? What kind of practice should you do? How long will it take to master? Am I smart enough to succeed?

Unfortunately schools rarely teach how to learn. Sometimes, by dumb luck, you can stumble upon a strategy that works for you. The rest of the time you feel lost.

Learning a new skill can feel bewildering. Which resources should you use? What kind of practice should you do? How long will it take to master? Am I smart enough to succeed?

Unfortunately schools rarely teach how to learn. Sometimes, by dumb luck, you can stumble upon a strategy that works for you. The rest of the time you feel lost.

“Sometimes I just don’t
feel smart enough.”

Maybe a tricky class destroyed your confidence. Maybe you always felt you weren't good at math, languages or art. Maybe you feel stuck because you can't seem to get past that exam, degree, certificate you know you need.

Many learning struggles are due to having the wrong method. You need to remember, but you use strategies that guarantee you'll forget. You need to understand deeply, but use techniques that only scratch the surface.

Everyone has unique challenges. I can't erase those. But I can equip you with the best possible tools to face them.

“I can’t keep up with
everything I need to learn.”

Homework, quizzes and exams keep piling up. The expectations for your boss are mounting, and you're not sure you can meet them. Every day it seems there are a hundred new ideas, gadgets and tools you're supposed to be mastering.

The right methods make learning faster. They eliminate waste, forgetting and confusion allowing you to make steady progress.

I've experienced this firsthand. By changing the methods I chose, I learned Spanish better in three months than I had learned French in a year. During the MIT Challenge, I watched lectures at 1.5x the speed, getting through a semester-long class in as short as a week.

If you feel like you can't keep up, you first have to stop running in the wrong direction.

Learning is my passion.
I want it to be yours too.

Over the last decade, I’ve tackled various learning challenges. The goal of my work isn’t just to try to understand learning from research, but to put my ideas to the test first-hand.

MIT Challenge: 4 Years of Classes in 12 Months

In 2012, I finished the MIT Challenge. The goal was to pass all the exams and complete the programming projects contained in an MIT undergraduate degree, but without going to school. I wanted to show that you could approximate an elite education for a fraction of the cost and time.

The Year Without English: 4 Languages in 1 Year

What’s the best way to learn a language? In my second major challenge, I traveled with a friend for a year learning Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese and Korean. Our method? Total immersion by avoiding speaking English from the very first day. Not only did it work, but it was a lot of fun too!

Portrait Drawing Challenge

What about applying rapid learning methods to art? Over thirty days I pushed myself to see how much better I could get at drawing faces.


In 2019, I combined my own experience taking on fun learning challenges with stories from many others, to write Ultralearning. The book, which went on to become a Wall Street Journal bestseller, combines stories to illustrate the common principles of learning well. Now, in Rapid Learner, I want to go deeper and guide you through the process step-by-step.

Learning is my passion and I want to take the years of experiments and research I’ve done and condense it into a format that you can use to quickly improve your ability to learn.

Rapid Learner is a six-week program to help you learn more effectively, quickly and deeply. I'll give you a strategy for taking on any learning project, along with dozens of tactics for any problem you might encounter.

Who is Rapid Learner For?

For Students...

Rapid Learner is well suited for middle, high-school, college and graduate students. The format of the course will teach you how to break down any classes you might have into simple actions you can take to learn anything.

The course is focused on how your brain learns, not tricks for getting through a particular class. As such, it is well-suited for most academic disciplines including math, art, history, engineering, languages, medicine, and more.

Joshua B. (Chemistry Student)

"One tip from the course was enough to push me from average to top tier!"

"I used a tip of yours to pass chemistry last semester. That alone was enough to increase exam scores from the 50% average of the class to being constantly 1 or 2 points under the top grade, even scoring the highest grade on one exam!"

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Elias T. (Psychology Undergraduate Student)

"I was able to learn at 2x speed and actually enjoy studying!"

"I got behind during my 2nd year and had to redo at least 6 months worth of courses. I was desperate for a way to solve this on time. That’s when I found the course. Now I am able to study literally twice as fast (I took 2x the amount of courses). I caught up after a few months of this. I then returned to my normal studying tempo where I could not only get better grades than before but actually enjoy studying. Do you want better grades? Do you want to learn faster? Do you want less stress when studying? Do you want to enjoy studying more? Join Scott's course!"

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For Professionals...

The course isn't restricted to students. If you need to learn a lot to keep up with your work, this course is for you. The focus isn't just on taking classes and passing exams, but on acquiring skills that matter.

Because professionals are often more time constrained and have less structure than students, knowing how to learn efficiently is even more important. Rapid Learner will give you the tools to keep up with the cutting edge of your field, learn new skills as you need them and systematically become an expert at what you do.

Aaron M. (Executive Director)

“After chemotherapy, my new job meant I had to learn far more effectively, work smarter, and recall a lot of information”

"In early 2015 I was diagnosed with leukemia. After rounds of chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant I returned to work and became Head of Public Affairs for a European Chemical Industry Association. My new job meant I had to learn far more effectively, work smarter, and recall a lot of information. Scott Young’s course gave me invaluable lessons which I use in my everyday job. The techniques in this course should be taught to children at school, students starting university and workers."

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Beresford S. (Assistant Accountant)

"Received AAT Level 4 accounting qualification by finally passing a hard exam (after having failed twice previously)!"

Beresford had failed his accounting exam twice before taking Rapid Learner. After, he was able to pass the exam which enabled him to complete his AAT (Association for Accounting Technicians) Level 4 qualification.

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For Anyone Who Wants to Learn More...

Would you like to learn new languages? Understand business, psychology, relationships or technology? Learn an instrument or sport? Read more books and remember it for years afterward?

Learning how to learn is one of the best investments you can make in yourself.

Chloe H. (Realtor, Author)

“Just passed the real estate licensing exam! Now tackling language learning and music!”

"I have adapted the time-management methods to decide whether to set a productivity goal or a time goal, in many cases combining the two, to create a consistent writing and studying habit. I'm now excited to tackle language learning and music!"

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Nnuku (Computer Science Student)

"I now study JavaScript on my own on a daily basis without procrastinating, and could not be happier with my progress."

"Rapid Learner is that it helped me immensely. I used to procrastinate a lot in learning programming, particularly JavaScript. However, since I have taken the course, I have learned to manage my time effectively. I now study JavaScript on my own on a daily basis, and could not be happier with my progress. I cannot thank you enough for creating this course for people like me."

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Here’s What You’ll Learn in Rapid Learner

Rapid Learner is divided into six modules, delivered over six weeks:

1. Project
2. Productivity
3. Practice
4. Insight
5. Memory
6. Mastery

Ensure Success Before You Start

Take any challenge – classes, self-education or professional development – and transform it into a step-by-step project.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to break any learning goal into weekly chunks
  • Find the right materials to learn effectively without getting overwhelmed or distracted
  • Smooth your schedule to prevent stress and burnout
  • How to design projects to learn practical skills

In addition to the main lessons, you’ll also get bonus lessons, including:

  • How I Prepared for the MIT Challenge - A detailed walkthrough of how I was able to set up, and stick to, the intense learning project
  • Making Realistic Predictions - Know how to set goals you can confidently complete every time
Walter F. (Learning Enthusiast)

"I designed a landscape painting learning project, put in 45min a day and managed to complete 5 landscapes in 52 days!"

"In the beginning, I intended to complete the 5 landscapes in 18 days (putting in one hour a day). After a couple days of painting, I realized I had underestimated the time it would take me to follow each tutorial and complete the landscapes. So, I decided to change a few things for the project: I set a commitment of 45min/1 hour (not more than that) a day and left the end of the project open-ended. It might take 40, 50 or 70 days, but I didn't really care about that. I just focused on making daily progress, without rushing it to finish early. Eventually, it took me 52 days to complete the 5 landscapes. It was a great learning experience, fun, and enriching :)"

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Get More Done Without The Procrastination

Build a productivity system that will allow you to get work done without stress, guilt or procrastination.

What you’ll learn:

  • Why you get burned out, and how to prevent it
  • How to improve your energy, so you can get more done in less time
  • Recognize different types of procrastination, and the different methods to eliminate it

In addition to the main lessons, you’ll also get six bonus lessons, including:

  • Kill Procrastination - Not all procrastination is the same, and neither is the fix. In this lesson, I’ll teach you how to spot different forms of procrastination along with the specific method to kill it
  • Make Productivity a Habit - How to go from being productive some of the time, to consistently getting your work done and accomplishing the projects you start
Eddie C. (Data Science Consultant)

"Showcased AI projects through setting achievable goals, in a measurable amount of time!"

"I initially wanted to replicate Scott’s MIT Challenge to learn coding. My overall goal is to showcase the AI projects I’ve done and open source them. This course helped me in two ways. First I liked how Scott emphasized picking a small project with an achievable goal in a measurable amount of time. Second, I experienced the burnout that Scott talks about fairly early on because I am taking on so much. We’re not machines and I never would have thought about taking into account things like nutrition, sleep, and other psychological aspects of burn out.”

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The Most Effective Studying Method

Build your foundation right. Learn effectively by applying the techniques a comprehensive study named as the most effective learning methods:

What you’ll learn:

  • Active versus passive learning, why you want to learn more actively yet few learners do
  • How to practice without problems sets or past exams
  • What SRS is and when to use it to quickly memorize information
  • The most common, inefficient studying strategy that most students use without realizing it

In addition to the main lessons, you’ll also get six bonus lessons, including:

  • How Memory Works - Dig into the science of memory and how you can use yours effectively
  • Choosing the Right Practice Activity - Be able to analyze the kinds of practice you’re doing and fix possible weaknesses, so you’ll never be caught off-guard in an exam again
Robert S. (CEO, Education Industry)

"I was very taken with Scott's thoughts about practice. I've just started a VC firm within the last 3-4 months!"

"I was very taken with Scott's thoughts about practice. I've just started a VC firm within the last 3-4 months and while I have a great deal experience elsewhere, this course helped me improve the skills I need to be functional in that area. I've discovered through my own experience that practice is essential for learning but the most relevant is scheduling your activities - the course reminded me to itemize the things I had to do and then actually doing them. With VC, I made a list of things I needed to learn, and then I learned them."

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Understand Hard Ideas With Ease

Expert learners don’t just memorize information—they understand deeply the principles behind what they’re learning. Learn how to quickly build and test intuitions about the material so you’ll “get” it.

What you’ll learn:

  • The Feynman Technique and how to apply different variations of it to tackle particular learning challenges.
  • How to know when you’ve learned something deeply enough
  • Diagnose whether you understand something well enough, or simply need to learn the details better

In addition to the main lessons, you’ll also get six bonus lessons, including:

  • How to Learn Things You Don’t Understand - A recipe for deconstructing anything you don’t understand
  • Mindful Practice - How to approach practice in a way that will improve you intuition about ideas
Kane H. (Programmer, Teacher)

"Using the ideas in the course, I taught myself LISP programming language and math concepts to younger students!"

Kane participated in an early version of the course and used the lessons taught both to effectively teach the LISP programming language to himself, but also to use the ideas to teach math concepts to younger students.

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Quickly Remember Anything

Not all knowledge is remembered equally. Learn to exploit this fact by representing what you’re trying to learn in a way your brain can more easily relate to and store.

What you’ll learn:

  • Holistic learning methods to vividly remember and recall important concepts and ideas
  • Mnemonic systems to quickly memorize detailed information
  • How to visualize ideas to remember and understand them better
  • Detailed walkthroughs for applying analogies to sift through and understand ideas

In addition to the main lessons, you’ll also get six bonus lessons, including:

  • The Memory Palace - Employ the technique competitive mnemoticists use to memorize thousands numbers, facts and words quickly and accurately
  • How to Visualize Abstract Ideas - Learn to see what you’re trying to understand to remember it more easily
Jace B. (Japanese Translator)

"Passed high level statistics class offered in Japanese (my second language)!"

"The last math class I took was over 7 years ago. With the learning system taught in the Rapid Learner, I was able to pass a high level statistics class offered in my second language (Japanese)."

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A Lifelong Strategy to Maintain and Improve Your Knowledge and Skills

Learning is only half the battle. To learn well, you also need to retain what you learn. In this module, I’ll teach you how to develop a plan to retain whatever you’ve learned for years with minimal effort.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to decide whether to master, maintain or relearn whatever you’re learning
  • What you should try to remember from a book
  • How to quickly relearn forgotten subjects
  • How to master knowledge and go from beginner to expert

In addition to the main lessons, you’ll also get six bonus lessons, including:

  • The Science of Forgetting - Learn important principles from cognitive science that dictate how you forget things so you can maximize the knowledge you retain
  • The Mastery Habit - How to continually get better at whatever you learn
Aaron W. (Writer, Entrepreneur)

"I retain more from books I read, write better and more comprehensive book reviews with more ease!"

"I used to feel like I wasn’t retaining a lot of the information from the books I read. After taking the course, I don’t worry about not remembering the most important information… This has also made it much easier to write book reviews, and I’ve since started a blog featuring these reviews. Not only are the reviews easier write, I can get them done faster, and they’re also better, sharper, and more comprehensive."

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In addition to the six core modules, all Rapid Learner students also get access to graduation material to further their mastery of the concepts. Graduation material is available once you’ve completed the course checkpoints and you’ve completed payment for the course.

This graduation material includes:

HOW TO BECOME A STRAIGHT-A STUDENT - Interview with Cal Newport, author and MIT PhD., about the studying strategies he uncovered researching high-achieving, low-stress students from top-level universities.

DEVELOPING AN INTUITION FOR LEARNING - Interview with Kalid Azad, founder of Better Explained, about how to develop intuitive understandings of abstract subjects like math, finance and computer science.

FLUENT IN 3 MONTHS WITH BENNY LEWIS - Learn the strategies octolingual polyglot Benny Lewis uses to quickly learn new languages.

DOZENS OF LEARN FASTER BOOTCAMP ESSAYS - For years I’ve kept a private archive of some of my best writing and ideas on learning. All Rapid Learner students can get access to dozens of these essays, sharing new tactics and research to help you learn better.

What's in the new edition?


This is the largest expansion to the course I’ve made since Rapid Learner was first developed in 2016. Included are:

Over a dozen newly recorded lessons

New and revised lessons reflect the latest research, and address topics I couldn’t reach in the original. These include the following lessons:

  1. How to improve your energy.
    Feeling tired? I give a thorough explanation of how you can feel more focused and alert with your studies, and what might be holding you back.
  2. How to choose drills.
    How can you get better at skills like writing, music or programming? Drills are an important component, but designing them and deciding which to pursue isn’t at all obvious.
  3. Projects for practical skills.
    How can you create a project for learning a skill that matters to you, not just passing a class? Here I explore the differences between these kinds of projects and those that you might undertake as a student. Those differences will turn out to be important if you want to get really good at something you care about.
  4. Transfer troubles.
    Why do we often fail to apply things we’ve learned? I dive deep into why and explain how you can avoid making mistakes that will prevent you from making the most of what you read, study and practice.

New “Deep Dives”

Some topics can’t be captured easily in a simple lesson. Yet they’re important enough to deserve a thorough explanation. I’ve recorded two new “deep dives” in this new edition of Rapid Learner:

  1. Note Taking
    Many students ask what’s the right way to take notes? Here I walk through a detailed analysis of the best way to take notes, including a live video example showing how to apply it to real classes.
  2. Space Repetition Systems
    One of the most powerful tools for your memory is to master spaced repetition systems. Unfortunately, this is also one of the tools with the biggest pitfalls if you’re not careful. Here I explain, in detail, not simply how to use these systems, but how to be successful with them.

In addition to the standard Rapid Learner program, which includes all six core modules and the Graduation Bonuses, I’m also offering an upgrade for those who want to deepen their understanding of the material and get access to my complete library of learning techniques for a reduced price.


COMPLETE ARCHIVES OF LEARNING ON STEROIDS - Get access to the complete 12 months of Learning on Steroids, my previous best-selling rapid learning course. This includes dozens of different tactics, additional video walkthroughs and guides covering specific topics I didn’t have space to include in Rapid Learner.

LEARN MORE, STUDY LESS - My most popular ebook by far, this book (including translations) has sold over 500,000 copies. This book covers the basics of holistic learning, my productivity system and how to make learning faster a habit. I've also included the expanded course that went along with this book, which includes over forty video lessons spread over ten modules.

Combined, these bonuses include everything I've produced on the subject of learning more effectively.



Multi Course Access

In addition to Rapid Learner, we have three other courses taught by Scott. Normally, as with Rapid Learner, we only offer sessions for these courses a couple times per year. In this session, we’re providing a pass that will let you take not only Rapid Learner but four of our other courses, whenever you’re ready.

This includes:

Life of Focus - Depth is something we all crave, but often struggle to find. Life of Focus is a three-month program, taught by Cal Newport and Scott Young, designed to inject more focus into your work, life and mind. Building on their best-selling titles, Deep Work, Digital Minimalism and Ultralearning, the course goes deeper into what allows you to accomplish bigger things while creating a more satisfying life outside of work.

Top Performer - Cal Newport and Scott's 8-week course showing you how to deeply understand and master your career. This course shows you how you can apply deliberate practice to your professional life so you can become so good they can’t ignore you.

Make it Happen! - Gain a deep understanding of the strategies to effect change in your life–master your psychology, create systems to ensure progress and avoid the traps that hold you back. You'll get the upgraded Gold Edition of this course which includes additional audio recordings and ebooks.

Getting access to these four courses allows you to skip the line and access them whenever you’re ready to start. The pass also offers a discount, letting you get the courses for 40% less than joining each individually.

Save 40% over enrolling in each course individually!


Rapid Learner is the product of years of research and effort. I’ve worked with thousands of students via my books and courses to deliver a product that will work well for most people.

However, I don’t want you to just trust my word for it. That’s why I’ve added a 60-day money-back guarantee for Rapid Learner. If you join and don’t feel it is a good fit, for whatever reason, I can give you a full refund if you let us know within sixty days from the date of purchase.

Which Rapid Learner edition is right for you?

  • Full 6-Week Curriculum
  • 40+ Supplementary Lessons
  • Private Community Access
  • Lifetime Access to all Materials
  • Graduation Bonus Interviews and 20+ Essays
  • Complete Archives of Learning on Steroids
  • Learn More, Study Less - Full 228 Page Ebook
  • All 10 Learn More, Study Less Video Course Modules
  • Full access to Top Performer
  • Full access to Make it Happen!
  • Full access to Life of Focus

Get Started Now:

Installment payments
$29 x 12 months


One-time payment
$297 (save 14%)
  • Full 6-Week Curriculum
  • 40+ Supplementary Lessons
  • Private Community Access
  • Lifetime Access to all Materials
  • Graduation Bonus Interviews and 20+ Essays
  • Complete Archives of Learning on Steroids
  • Learn More, Study Less - Full 228 Page Ebook
  • All 10 Learn More, Study Less Video Course Modules
  • Full access to Top Performer
  • Full access to Make it Happen!
  • Full access to Life of Focus

Get Started Now:

Installment payments
$49 x 12 months


One-time payment
$497 (save 15%)
  • Full 6-Week Curriculum
  • 40+ Supplementary Lessons
  • Private Community Access
  • Lifetime Access to all Materials
  • Graduation Bonus Interviews and 20+ Essays
  • Complete Archives of Learning on Steroids
  • Learn More, Study Less - Full 228 Page Ebook
  • All 10 Learn More, Study Less Video Course Modules
  • Full access to Top Performer ?
  • Full access to Make it Happen! ?
  • Full access to Life of Focus ?

Get Started Now:

Installment payments
$147 x 12 months (save 30%)


One-time payment
$1497 (save 40%)
Secure Checkout IconMastercard VISA AMEX

Need help? Contact our support team:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What exactly do I get in the course?

A: I believe the best way to answer that question is to show you! The video above does a complete walkthrough of the entire course website, showing you how the course works and what you can expect once you've signed up.

Q: How long will I retain access to the course? What if I can’t finish in 6 weeks?

A: When you get Rapid Learner, you get lifelong access to the course materials and community. Whether you want to finish the entire course in six weeks, or take your time and proceed more slowly through the curriculum, you can rest assured knowing the material will always be there for you.

Rapid Learner students also get access to any updates to the core program completely for free, including the ability to attend future sessions alongside new students.

Q: How much time does the course require?

A: Each Rapid Learner module is divided into a main video lesson, usually 15-30 minutes, and 7+ supplementary lessons 10-30 minutes each.

In general, I recommend setting aside at least 2 hours per week to keep up with the materials and an additional hour per week to do the minimum homework required. Of course, if you invest more time you can implement the ideas more fully. If you can’t invest 3 hours per week, you can go through the course at a slower pace.

Q: I prefer to read than watch video lessons. Are there transcripts available?

A: Yes! Every lesson in the course is available in multiple formats:

  1. A streamable, HD video you can watch directly from the website.
  2. Downloadable videos you can watch offline.
  3. Audio-only MP3 files you can put on your phone or listen during your commute.
  4. Full transcripts you can read on your computer, tablet or print off.
Q: Will this course work for nursing / engineering / business / programming /etc.?

A: This course teaches general learning strategies that work for many different subjects. Over the years I’ve applied these methods to very diverse projects: programming, cognitive science, languages, mathematics, physics, accounting, history, law and neuroscience. I’ve also applied it to non-academic pursuits like art and entrepreneurship.

What you’ll get in this course is a general framework for thinking about the big issues that affect every learning challenge: how to stay focused, how to retain information, how to understand complex ideas, how to prevent forgetting over time. As such, these tools are useful for many different kinds of learning projects. Of course, if you join the course and find it isn’t well suited for you, we have our 60-day return policy, so there’s no risk in trying it out.

Q: Why is the course 6 weeks but billed for 12 months? Can I cancel payments at any time?

A: We created a monthly installment option to make the course more affordable for those who cannot pay the one-time tuition, or who want to see the course before spending the full amount.

This course is not a subscription, so we ask that if you wish to keep the course you continue to make the remaining monthly installments. Failure to do so may limit your access to the course or other courses.

If you start a monthly installment plan and would later like to pay off the remaining balance, you can do so at any time (at a discount) by contacting our support team.

Q: What options do I have if I want to finish my monthly payments early?

A: We offer monthly payments because many students can’t commit the full price up front.

If you’d like to finish your payments early, just email us and you can pay the remaining payments at a discounted rate.

Q: Do you offer one-on-one coaching with the course?

A: Unfortunately, due to the number of students, I can’t make any promises for one-on-one coaching.

However, I frequently participate in the private community helping to answer questions along with our other members. So if you have questions about the course, learning or applying the principles, myself, a member of the community or a teaching assistant will be able to help.

Q: How is this course different from Top Performer? Which should I get?

A: Top Performer is a different course I co-teach with Cal Newport. Although there is overlap in the aims of the two courses, the material is quite different with both. Putting it simply:

Top Performer is a guide to deliberate practice for your career. In particular, we focus on methods for doing research to figure out which skills to develop, how to design projects to advance your career more quickly, cultivate deep work and maintain an ongoing professional development.

Rapid Learner focuses more on the detailed mechanics of learning: practice, insight and memory. It can be used for professional skills, but it is equally applicable to students and self-education projects which are not career-related.

The two courses complement each other, teaching related skills which can both help in professional and learning contexts.

Q: When will you be open again next time for enrollment?

A: I don’t offer registration for Rapid Learner frequently, and it will likely be at least 6-12 months before the course is available again for new students.

If you’re not sure whether you have time for the course right now, you can always get the course and begin when you do have time. You have lifetime access to the course materials when you sign up, and many of our students join and then begin the course when they can devote themselves to the material.

Q: How does this differ from your free articles on learning?

The ideas and principles I discuss on the blog are the same as those we discuss in the course. So there isn’t a “secret” strategy I’ve been saving for only my paid courses.

What you do get in Rapid Learner that you don’t get from the blog is a comprehensive system. You’ll be guided through an exact sequences of steps to transform your current learning habits and get new ones, with access to community feedback, specific exercises, examples and walkthroughs.

Essentially, if you like my blog, this course offers my best learning advice but better organized and with more detail, examples and rigor. If you don’t like my blog, this course probably isn’t for you.

Q: I can’t pay with the methods listed on the cart, do you take alternative payment methods?

A: Our transactions are processed only with services that offer the highest level of security and reliability. Unfortunately, this means we’re limited in which payment methods we can accept. We process payments:

  1. Via Stripe (which can accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express)
  2. Via PayPal (which can accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diner’s Club and EnRoute) Note: PayPal checkout works with or without a PayPal account

However, if you want to join the course but don’t see a payment option you can use, you’re welcome to contact our customer service and we can see what we can do to help!

Q: How is Rapid Learner different from your book, Ultralearning?

A: Both Rapid Learner and Ultralearning deal with the process of mastering hard skills quickly and efficiently. The difference is that, in Rapid Learner, I was able to go into far more depth in providing practical advice and a structured curriculum.

For instance, in Rapid Learner, we have a two-hour deep dive explanation of how to make effective flashcards to remember subjects like languages, law and medicine, with video of me actually doing it for specific classes. Similarly, I have detailed walkthroughs of using the Feynman Technique, taking notes, finding materials, creating a productivity system and more—all of which I was only able to touch on briefly in my book.

Which Rapid Learner edition is right for you?

  • Full 6-Week Curriculum
  • 40+ Supplementary Lessons
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